πŸ–ŒοΈ Horton Hears a Whostyle

Back in 2018, Kicks Condor, sphygmus, and others came up with "whostyles." The idea is that when a website displays a post reply that was written by someone else, the reply is displayed using the style (i.e. CSS rules) of that person's website. A couple weeks ago, I was chatting with Angelo and Maxwell at a Homebrew Website Club meeting, and we came across this idea. I feel like it would fit right in to our webmention dreams at the IndieWeb, and I thought it would be fun to implement whostyles on my own site. This is my attempt to do so!

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Posted by Profile picture of JacobJacob Hall


πŸ‘£ Barefoot FAQs

Sharing some thoughts on what it's like to be a full-time barefooter

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Posted by Jacob Hall