↩️ REPLY to Kicks Condor's post

Hey Kicks, thanks for the thoughtful reply. It's so rewarding to have a working demonstration of whostyles right out the gate like this. Maybe this reply will display on your site using my whostyle? 🤞

If h0p3 has a new style, I might make a new ‘h0p3_2’ style for him - or might just update the old stuff if it makes sense.

Yes!!1! I'm thinking of adding a table to my database with the hash of each whostyle I receive, and having my webmention endpoint compare incoming whostyles against those hashes to determine if it is unique or not. Critically, the class name of the whostyled element won't differ between versions of the same h-card's whostyles. This will allow my site to automatically assign every post the correct whostyle class for the author, and then load in the appropriate whostylesheet for that post.

I guess, as a bit of additional response, I should also mention that I’ve thought about doing this as a JSON format rather than as CSS.

I'm fascinated by JSON as a storage format for CSS, and it isn't something I've thought about before. My knee-jerk reaction is that it'll have to be converted to CSS somehow, and it might be easier to have our front-facing whostyles in pure CSS. That said, if JSON would allow us to do more with our styles, I'm all-elephant-ears. Whatever we decide on, I'm hopeful we can both walk away from this conversation with interoperable whostyles


I would very much like to interact with Multiverse users via webmention, whostyles and all.


Posted by Profile picture of JacobJacob Hall

↩️ REPLY to Joe Jenett's post

It's an honor 😁

Posted by Profile picture of JacobJacob Hall

↩️ REPLY to Maxwell Joslyn's post

My favorite part was when 👤Tantek showed up at like 2am EST to find us chatting away 😂

That night's conversation helped shape the plan I have to develop an online community inspired by tilde communities using IndieWeb technologies. I've written about it at farm.jacobhall.net

(P.S. It was amusing to look up how to properly markup person tags, to find Tantek used as the example!)

Posted by Profile picture of JacobJacob Hall

↩️ REPLY to Jacob Hall's post

This is a test reply to myself, that I will use to test my webmention capabilities.

Posted by Profile picture of JacobJacob Hall

↩️ REPLY to creichenbach's post

I love CRO! And now you've gotten this song stuck in my head 😝

Posted by Profile picture of JacobJacob Hall

↩️ REPLY to Maxwell Joslyn's post

A true Drongo indeed! Glad to see another Letterboxd user out in the wild, if you see this Nick I LOVE It's Such a Beautiful Day, and I just added all of your other recommendations to my watchlist :)

Posted by Profile picture of JacobJacob Hall