Named Houses of Harrisonburg
October 13, 2018I'm a freshman at JMU, which means that I've been getting acquainted with Harrisonburg over the last couple of months. One of the things that has stuck out to me is that groups of college students that live together will often give their house a name, sometimes even making a sign that hangs prominently above the door. Student groups will often pass down their house's legacy to future members, allowing for houses to acquire nuanced personalities with time. No doubt this is a common phenomenon in college towns, but I think it's really cool.
I got the idea the other day to make a map of the named houses surrounding JMU, which would give me an excuse to try out Leaflet. I spent a Sunday afternoon walking around the neighborhoods that surround main campus, writing down the name and address of every named house I came across. When I got home I used Google Maps to grab the coordinates for each address, and placed them all as markers into an embedded Leaflet map.